Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Make Me a Sandwich (Board)!

The beginning of the end quickly approaches! As of this meeting, we have our logo, a cross between a HAZMAT sign and an angel designed by EIC Hailey S.  The posters will be accompanied with a slogan, something like “What will you do before the silence.” Next meeting we will finalize plans for the poster.

With the first stage of Occupy Woodson nearly in place, the step is sandwich boards! Yes, that’s right; next meeting we will all be challenging our inner-protestors by arriving at the meeting armed with our completed sandwich boards. Sometime between now and next Wednesday, December 14 please pop over to A.C. Moore to purchase a foam board. *  If you need a bit of inspiration, look no further than the lady below. This lady knows how she feels, and she’s not afraid to show it:
On a side note, thank you to Carolyn for drawing up a snack list. If anyone has said list, please email it to me and I’ll email/post the schedule. Everyone please feel free to bring snacks at anytime. No more starving artists at the meetings!

Hope to see everyone at the next meeting, next Wednesday, December 14, and remember: The End is Nigh.


*Correction: We will make the sandwich board signs AT the meeting. Please just bring the materials to the meeting. Sorry for the confusion!


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